The W240 Weed wiper is a simple yet effective weed wiping tool for the selective application of herbicide to reeds, rushes, bracken and thistles etc, on farmland and pastureland.
– Brush or Carpet model’s available
– Available in 2.4m (8') Working Width
– Mounted 55l tank, pump and hand-lance
– Unique electric drive system eliminates dripping
– Simple IP67 sealed electronic control module supplied as standard
The W240 Weed Wiper features a robust steel construction, with a huge 200mm (8″) diameter carpet roller, simple automated electrical operation, and integrated tank with hand-lance for years of trouble free operation. A huge 200mm (8″) diameter carpet/brush roller is fitted to the W240 Weed Wiper / Licker – as stnadard a high quality thick-pile wool / poly blend carpet to balance liquid carrying capacity and wear resistance. An upgraded Brush Roller is available manufactured from Natural Tampico for ultimate precise application. . The tubular steel used in the construction of the W240 Weed Wiper frame ensure weeds flow smoothly under the machine, to prevent herbicide being ‘flicked’ off onto the surrounding crop.
The W240 trailed Weed Wiper features a unique electric drive motor, operating at 25rpm. This ground-breaking feature ensures the roller runs at a constant speed regardless of the forward speed, which all but eliminates dripping whilst ensuring weeds get a good dose of herbicide (eg. Glyphosate). The constant roller speed also allows more liquid to be held in reserve on the roller, without dripping occurring and damaging the crop below. Application of chemical to the roller is controlled by a simple IP67 sealed control box, with the pump being automatically ‘pulsed’ on and off to ensure the correct ‘wetness’ is maintained on the roller.
The simple design of the W240 without unnecessary steelwork ensures a strong yet lightweight machine. The 19x7x8″ semi-flotation tyres have a low ground pressure without being overly wide to minimise the chance of herbicide transfer to the wheels and subsequently to the underlying grass. Simple height adjustment and the hand-lance fitted as standard to the mounted 60L tank of the W240 Weed Wiper ensures ease of use and coverage of those awkward areas at field boundaries.